To infinity...and beyond.

No. 99 - Toy Story

YOU GUYS. How did I forget the amazingness that IS Toy Story?! I hadn't watched it for probably 10 years...maybe even longer than that. Not surprisingly, it was just as wonderful this time as it was the first time I saw it. Fun fact: I was 8 years old when this movie came out. PRIME Disney time in my life, I'd say. Speaking of the prime Disney time in my life, don't let me forget to tell you the story of my mom "snowing out" the dragon scene in Sleeping Beauty some time... 

I don't think I could possibly spoiler-alert this movie for you (considering most of you who are reading this are more or less my age; give or take a few years, and have definitely seen this movie), but I'll refrain from giving you a play-by-play anyway and start, once again, with a brief synopsis and fun facts about the film.


A cowboy doll named Woody becomes jealous and threatened when a new "space ranger" action figure named Buzz Lightyear takes over Andy's room as top toy. In an effort to reclaim his title, Woody crafts a plan to get rid of Buzz that goes horribly wrong, leaving he and Buzz stranded in some unfortunate, yet comical situations. After finding themselves locked away in Sid's room (a.k.a the crazy neighbor kid who ruins toys for fun) they realize that they must overcome their differences and work together in order to return to their beloved Andy. 

Fun Facts, compliments of IMDB

  • The highest-grossing movie of 1995.

  • This was the first animated film in Oscar history to be nominated for a Best Screenplay Academy Award - Adapted or Original.

  • What attracted Tom Hanks to the role of Woody was the fact that, during his childhood, he would always wonder if his toys were alive and moved around when nobody was in his room. What attracted Tim Allen to the role of Buzz Lightyear was the fact that, before him, they offered the role to his biggest influence in his career, Chevy Chase, who turned it down.

  • All of the cars in Toy Story have license plate stickers that are dated November 95 - the same date the movie was released.

  • The character of Andy is named for Andries "Andy" Van Dam, a Brown University professor and computer science and animation pioneer who taught many of the makers of this film.

Ryen's Review - Loved It

OF COURSE this movie is supposed to be on the top 100 list - it's one of the greatest movies of the 20th century AND it's animated! Honestly, I would rank this movie at like, 50. It doesn't deserve to be no ninety-nine. As the first animated feature in Oscar history to be nominated for a Best Screenplay Academy Award (adapted or original), you better believe that this film brings it's A game. Toy Story reminds every child to believe in magic. It reminds every adult what it was like to be a kid. There were so many unknowns back then; so many fears and hopes and dreams and pre-pubescent challenges. But yet, you don't mind remembering those things because it reminds you of how far you've come and that there's more life to live. More fights. More laughter. More tears. More movies. More friends. More hard times. More hard work. More finding yourself.

Geez...Toy Story getting DEEP. Prepare to be just one big ball of love and emotions after you finish this film. Call your mom. Hug your brother. Make up with the friend or loved one you've been fighting with. If you don't agree with me, well, then...this town ain't big enough for the two of us. 
